
玛丽E. 瓦德利在贝尔维尤医院创立了社会服务部门, 这是纽约市医院的首例, in 1906. 她领导这个单位20年了. (贝尔维尤护士培训学校通过国家医学图书馆)
玛丽E. 瓦德利在贝尔维尤医院创立了社会服务部门, 这是纽约市医院的首例, in 1906. 她领导这个单位20年了. (贝尔维尤护士培训学校通过国家医学图书馆)

一个多世纪以前, 对心脏病患者的护理出现了关键转折, 不仅仅是满足病人的医疗需求.

那一年是1911年. Limited national statistics of the day showed "organic diseases of the heart" as the No. 2个杀手,在所有形式的结核病背后. Heart patients were called "cardiacs" — 和 their prospect of receiving post-hospital medical supervision 保住一份工作似乎是不可能的.

这时,社会工作者玛丽. Wadley为这些病人制定了新的治疗方案.

Wadley — founder 和 head of the social service unit at New York City's historic Bellevue Hospital — was concerned about the many heart patients who needed convalescent care 和 to find work. In a February 1938 letter recounted in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1943, 她详细说明了这个问题:

"Scores of cardiacs discharged from the wards were referred to Social Service for convalescent care 和 for assistance in finding suitable employment. This we could do, but continued medical oversight was imperative if they were to carry on. 对大多数人来说, 这种监督只有在日间诊所才能得到, 日间诊所和工作是不相容的. The situation was most distressing to patients, to physicians, 和 to the hospital."

Wadley敦促贝尔维尤的医务人员开设晚间诊所. 1911年,博士. 休伯特V. 吉尔接受了这项事业, opening 和 directing the Bellevue Hospital Social Service Cardiac Clinic for Working Adults. 诊所, 作为其他诊所的原型吗, 星期五晚上开门吗, allowing patients to rest over the weekend before returning to work on Mondays.

In his 1996 book "American Cardiology: The History of a Specialty 和 Its College,心脏病专家和医学历史学家W. Bruce Fye noted that the Bellevue cardiac clinic's "focus on the social implications of heart disease reflected the fact that it was inspired by a social worker rather than a physician."

先锋心脏病专家阿尔弗雷德. 科恩, 在1943年美国医学会杂志的文章中, described Wadley as "a distinguished worker in this vineyard of the Lord."

"In the history of the development of interest in cardiac diseases Miss Wadley played an important even if not a conspicuous part,科恩在《沙巴足球体育平台》中写道," a 对应 纪念Wadley. "She was the first one to recognize the fact that cardiac patients were receiving less care than they deserve or than it was possible to give to them."

1920年的贝尔维尤医院校园. (Society of Alumni of Bellevue Hospital via National Library of Medicine)
1920年的贝尔维尤医院校园. (Society of Alumni of Bellevue Hospital via National Library of Medicine)


康科德人, 麻萨诸塞州, 1884年,瓦德利从贝尔维尤护理学院毕业, 根据她1942年的描述 讣告 《纽约时报.

公共事务专家Lorinda Klein说, 从1970年到2005年在贝尔维尤工作的人, said the Bellevue Hospital Auxiliary — organized in 1906 和 consisting of wealthy, 进步, 妇女参政权论者——成立了社会工作部门并雇佣了Wadley, 最初是为了帮助结核病患者. Wadley当了20年的部门主管.

在这个角色中, 她看过各种疾病的病人, 不仅仅是心脏病, 出院的,被认为治愈的, 根据1914年《墨西哥(密苏里)分类帐》的一篇文章. But the patients needed follow-up care 和 had a lot of convalescing to do. 养家糊口的人无法工作,家里的其他人也不好过.

Wadley worked with the auxiliary to enlist financial support from wealthy families 和 philanthropic donors to aid patients 和 their families. 除其他援助外, workers from the social service unit visited the homes of infants who had been hospitalized to teach their mothers how to help them recover.

“贝尔维尤医院有成千上万的病人, 和 they recognized that there's a tremendous need to get these patients organized,克莱因说。, who managed the hospital's historical collection 和 served on its auxiliary. "They were not blind to where these patients came from 和 their living conditions."

考虑到整个家庭, 瓦德利也是禁酒令的支持者, the period from 1920 through late 1933 when alcohol consumption was banned in the U.S., according to the 2016 book "Bellevue: Three Centuries of Medicine 和 Mayhem at America's Most Storied Hospital" by David Oshinsky.

"We almost never see now a pile of furniture on the sidewalk with a starved, 无依无靠的一家人坐在里面,瓦德利在1925年的一次演讲中说. “相反,孩子们穿着得体, 男人们更好地保住了工作,支付了账单. They do not have to pass the inviting door of the corner saloon on payday."


Wadley served on the first Board of Directors of the Association for the Prevention 和 Relief of Heart Disease, 美国心脏协会的前身, 从1915年到1917年. 两位美国心脏协会的创始人,dr. 路易斯一个. 康纳和罗伯特. Halsey,也是早期的导演.

A 1919 article in the Nashville (Tennessee) Banner described Wadley as "a small, alert woman with ash brown hair 和 blue eyes in which kindness is the companion of intelligence."

她于1926年退休, 根据她的讣告, 在大西洋城生活了很多年, 新泽西. The Bellevue Hospital Auxiliary hosted a retirement luncheon for her at the Colony Club on Park Avenue, 克莱因说, who recalls Wadley's after-hours cardiac clinic disb和ing around the early 1990s.

Wadley spent the last year 和 a half of her life living with family in Albany, New York. 她10月去世了。. 1942年,享年90岁. 纪念牌, placed at Bellevue as part of the New York Heart Association's 50-year celebration in 1965, 纪念诊所和瓦德利和吉尔的贡献.


"My underst和ing is she sort of really whipped everything into shape," Klein said. “我想她一定很厉害."